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Digital Detox

  • 7 Weeks
  • 20 Steps


"Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful." — John Maeda, The Laws of Simplicity: Design, Technology, Business, Life When I was born, my family had one television set, a VCR, and a rotary phone. Today, as I write this on my laptop, after a day of working remotely, wifi streaming sound through Bluetooth speakers, and everything from my driving patterns to my herb garden irrigation tracked through my phone, I am amazed at how far technology has come over the course of my relatively short life. We are truly privileged. And yet, there is an undeniable pressure. The weight of knowledge, maybe. Or a constant demand of our attention. It wears on me. I've listened to my clients describe something similar. To thrive in a world full of technology, we have to learn to moderate our consumption. This 7 Week Digital Detox is designed to give you the tools to cleanse and then curate your digital life so that it works for you.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Single Payment
4 Plans Available
Prices vary



Ascendry, LLC

(504) 756-7003

Fort Worth, Texas

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